Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Greatest Scene

    This week in class we were supposed to write our two-to-three page summaries in preparation for the rhetorical analysis. I don't know if anyone else had to do it, but I actually had to rewatch some of the documentary in order to complete the summary. I was able to look up the characters' names online, but I didn't remember what role most of them had in the film. 

    So, after a longer time than I wanted, I was able to complete the summary and have it be slightly more than three pages long. I might've been able to reduce it a little bit, but I feel like it should be good enough. 

    The final step to our multiple-week-long documentary project is the rhetorical analysis. That means we are supposed to select our favorite scene in the entire documentary. Personally, my favorite scene is the one where the team shows pictures of the Great Barrier Reef before and after the coral bleaching event. It was just an excellent display of what they are trying to fight against. They have pictures of beautiful coral reef environments flourishing with life, and then they juxtapose an image of the same reef after it dies. The difference between the two is actually disheartening, and yet the divers had to see it happen firsthand. I think I should be able to write a lot about the scene, so hopefully, the rhetorical analysis goes rather easily. 
before and fter

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A Rough Week

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