Friday, November 12, 2021

Content and Exploration

     This week in class, we were finally able to submit our documentary projects. It feels like we have been working on this project for a long time, and it feels good to be able to turn it in. Since we were given so much time, I was able to make my project the best I could make it, which is definitely reassuring for grading purposes. 

    Our teacher has since graded our projects, and I am pretty happy with the grade that I got. However, we are quickly moving on to our next project, which is the exploratory essay. This one seems interesting, but I feel like the hardest part will be to pick out a topic. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester, but I have to get through the work in this semester first.

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A Rough Week

      This week in class, we were primarily just working on our Exploratory Essays. I was able to get through a bit of it, but I still have ...