Friday, November 19, 2021

All Up to Me

    Hello again. We actually don't meet for class this upcoming week, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to do. I will still have to work on my exploratory essay and create blog posts as per usual. However, because we don't meet for class, I am unable to properly gauge how much I should be working on this project. We are supposed to have a rough draft finished for when class starts up again, but I am unsure how much work I should do. Like do I work on it a little bit every day, or wait until the last couple of days and grind it out?

    These choices are what I normally have to deal with, but I'm able to kind of check my progress when we meet for class and have other people read over my work. I suppose I could get one of my family members to read my work, but I will have to set the pace at which I work myself. It might be challenging, but I have to establish a work pattern on it now.

    Unfortunately, most classes are unloading projects after projects for students to complete as the end of the semester is approaching. That means that I have a lot of work to do, so I'd like to finish as much as I can as early as I can. I'll try to work as much as possible on this essay before I get drowned by all of the future projects that are waiting for me.

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A Rough Week

      This week in class, we were primarily just working on our Exploratory Essays. I was able to get through a bit of it, but I still have ...