Friday, October 15, 2021

The Next Steps

     During class this week, we were told that our documentary projects would be a work in progress. That is, there would be multiple steps to fully complete the project. The first step of our project was in last week's blog post. It was the guided reflection questions, which helped us gather our thoughts about the documentary we chose to watch. Those questions will also help us later on in our project.

    The next task on the list is to write a two-to-three page summary of the documentary we watched. This might actually be pretty hard because there was a lot of content in the documentary that I feel I would write down. I'll have to minimize the amount of detail I put into the summary. Also, another problem is that we are supposed to include the names of characters, which I know none of. This might mean that I'll have to rewatch the documentary in order to find out the names of people.

    After our summary, the final step is to make a rhetorical analysis of a certain scene of the documentary. It should be our favorite scene or one that was a real eye-opener that spoke to us on an individual level. It should take an additional two to three pages, but I think It will be easier because we get to focus on a certain scene and personalize the writing content a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the summary being hard. I am still stuck up on it as well and I know I am going to need help with it in class next week.


A Rough Week

      This week in class, we were primarily just working on our Exploratory Essays. I was able to get through a bit of it, but I still have ...