Friday, September 3, 2021

The Theme of a Microtheme

     During class this week, we were asked to find something to write about for a project called a microtheme. I have never heard of a microtheme before, so I was interested in hearing the details about it. It was actually a lot harder then I thought it was going to be. 

    Apparently, a microtheme requires an issue, social trend, or topic that the writer is actively interested in. I am not very interested in any social trend, and I am not involved in any global issue so I had to think for a long time about what I wanted to do. The most important aspect of a microtheme is that the writer has to leave the issue open-ended, without showing noticeable bias in one way or another. This made it even harder to find a topic because I could not write about anything I already have a solidified opinion on. 

    After careful deliberation and talking to my family about what I should do, I still had no definite answer. I had to think of something, so I thought about problems like pollution. This led me to the topic of littering. I work at a park district, so I see litter all the time. It annoys me when I see garbage on the ground when there is a garbage can within a twenty foot area. This gave me enough of a reason to try and do the project on littering. I do not know how this project will turn out, but I should be able to get a nice product after having time to revise during future classes.

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A Rough Week

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