Friday, October 1, 2021

Being Content With Content

     This week in class, we were supposed to finetune and submit our personal essays. After getting some advice from a classmate, I was able to fix some of the more grammatical errors of my essay. I then had to go back and make sure all of my tenses were aligned with what I was writing. This took me longer than it should have.

    In the end, I had to reread the essay multiple times, but I think I am in a comfortable spot with the essay. I'm not too confident, but as long as I am able to evoke some sort of emotion with the readers, then I will be content with that. I am happy with how the essay turned out and the work I put into it. Hopefully, my grade will reflect that! 


  1. I am glad that you are happy with the way your essay turned out. I am also very hopeful that you get the grade you are looking for!

  2. You have a great attitude, Vinny! If you can hold on to this confidence, it will take you far. Good luck!

  3. Hey Vinny, this is Blaze. I am glad that you are happy with the way your essay turned out. I am also very hopeful that you get the grade you are looking for!


A Rough Week

      This week in class, we were primarily just working on our Exploratory Essays. I was able to get through a bit of it, but I still have ...