Friday, September 17, 2021

Making an Essay Personal

     This week in class, we were introduced to our next project: the personal essay. We were given time to start the project in our last class of the week. However, the majority of my time was spent trying to think of what I wanted to write about. I have always struggled to decide what I want to write about in any essay I write since high school, and it is honestly irritating. Whenever I get an idea started, I feel like I find something better to write about. 

    I now have an idea of what I want to write about after having some extra days to think about it. It was hard to think of something personal to write stories about. Luckily, I have plenty of stories to tell that can relate to the theme I chose to write about. I will not directly say what my topic is because I want to save it for the writing, but hopefully I can make it work to fit the requirements of the personal essay. 

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