Friday, August 27, 2021

A Brand New Experience

      I am going to be blunt. I have never considered making a blog before in my entire life. I have not so much as even looked at a blog before, until now. It might have something to do with my creativity, but I have always struggled to choose a topic to write about. However, I will have to learn to overcome this issue of mine and start to learn how to develop a blog. 

     The reason I say all of this is because blogs are brand new to me. I currently see blogs as a challenge to be beaten. In the same sense, college is also a new challenge for me. I went to a very small high school, so I knew all of my classmates for multiple years, which made it very easy to socialize with them. However, college is completely different. There are so many people that I do not know, and it is a little intimidating to me to try and start a conversation with people I know nothing about. I realize that in order to beat this challenge I just have to get out of my shell a little so that I can get to know people. 

    College is full of challenges, but these challenges are meant to be overcome. Hopefully by the time this class comes to an end I will be much more accustomed to making blog posts (and who knows, I might even enjoy them!) and be able to get to know my classmates. 


A Rough Week

      This week in class, we were primarily just working on our Exploratory Essays. I was able to get through a bit of it, but I still have ...